

The server is a twisted plugin. After installing reqpi, twistd reqpi should just work. Refer to twistd documentation for details on how to use it.

$ twistd reqpi [--http PORT] [--url URL]

The port is the port that reqpi will listen on. While it will try to make a good guess as to what is the URL through which it should be accesses, enough layers of reverse proxies, with interesting enough configuration, can confuse it. In that case, --baseurl should be passed to tell it where it is accessed from.


$ PYPI=$(python -m reqpi gethash --url URL REQUIREMENTS_FILE)

This command will initialize PYPI with a URL that points to a PyPI-compatible server, but only allowing the packages in the requirements file. For example, this can be used with pip as follows:

Note that the requirements file only supports the PACKAGE==VERSION syntax. This is intentional: this is the only syntax which is properly hermetic (it is also what pip freeze will output).

$ pip install --index-url $PYPI Twisted[tls]